Tokyo Inshokan printing has been striving for supreme quality that offset printing can go since established in 1947.Our customer, world known photographers, designers or publishers highly value our unique strength in high end offset printing.

Art of deformation

What makes us ahead is skills turning disadvantage of CMYK into advantage. 70 years of experience and craftsmanship enable our teem to have deeper understanding on what is focus of our client’s work. Although today’s displayed image in RGB has far broader range of color expression, we know how to “deform” them and make it better to another level when they are expressed in CMYK.

Our print director

Noboru Takayanagi, printing director of TOKYO INSHOKAN PRINTING CO.,LTD, winner of 42nd grand prize of Japan Professional photographers Society.

His contribution in photo and art book printing has been highly valued since 1978, especially with his extremely rich knowledge and experience in color management, through his work with world renowned photographers and film directors, such as Yasuhiro Ishimoto, Daido Moriyama, Willam Klein, Seiichi Motohashi, Issei Suda, Kikuji Kawada, and Banri Namikawa etc.

<Noboru Takayanagi with DAIDO MORIYAMA>

Our Works

Followings are few example of our recent works. All article are in both Japanese and English.

Hideka Tonomura solo Exhibition|”焦がれ死に die of love” 写真展〜

写真家殿村任香さんの最新写真集 “焦がれ死に die of love”。禅フォトギャラリー様で11/24(土)-12/22(土…

中藤毅彦写真集「White Noise」Takehiko Nakafuji

中藤毅彦写真集「White Noise」がZEN FOTO GALLERYより出版されました。 弊社は、この写真集を作成するにあたり、著者の中藤様、Z…

須田一政写真集・印刷事例|Issei SUDA “The Mechanical Retina on My Fingertips”

ZEN FOTO GALLERYより11月21日に発売される写真家須田一政によるミノックスカメラによる作品集。「網膜直結指先目カメラ」。90年代初頭に…

“プロヴォーク”完全復刻版|印刷事例〜Complete reprint project of PROVOKE magazine


にっぽん劇場写真帖〜森山大道・寺山修司 “JAPAN, A PHOTO THEATER” by DAIDO MORIYAMA (2018 renewal edition)




Contact us 

If you have any further enquiry on our print service, we are more than happy happy to assist you at anytime. Please kindly contact us from the form below and we will stiffly respond to you via E-mail.

     2-14-12, Kitahara, Asaka-shi, Saitama,
    351-8508, Japan

    Tel: +81-(0)48-486-3808